Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Instant Oatmeal Mix

I make this instant oatmeal mix all the time - saves a lot of money and it's a great way to use food storage milk and oats. :)

6 C quick oats
1 1/2 C powdered milk
1/2 t salt

Blend 3 C oats until powder in food processor or other grinder (such as a wheat or coffee grinder). Add remaining ingredients and pulse until the consistency you want (some people like bigger oats left in and others prefer it all pretty blended).

Put into large container. To make oatmeal, put 1/3-1/2 C of the mixture into a bowl and add 1/2-3/4 C boiling water. Mix and let sit. Add whatever toppings you desire.



I just put some rolled oats into a bowl. Add some water. Microwave for 2 minutes. Pull it out, add some milk and brown sugar and it's ready to go! :)


This makes it more like the instant oatmeal packets - a little less hearty. :)

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