Monday, November 11, 2013

Blender Oatmeal Pancakes

1 C rolled oats
3/4 C milk
1/2 ripe banana
1/4 t cinnamon
2 t syrup
1/4 t salt
1/2 t vanilla
1 t baking powder

1 egg
Butter or oil for cooking


Place all ingredients, except egg and cooking oil in a blender and blend until smooth.

Add egg and blend a few seconds more.
Let stand 10 minutes or longer to thicken batter.

If batter becomes too thick to pour easily, add some milk.

Heat butter/oil in frying pan or skillet.

Pour batter, by 1/4 - 1/2 cup, into pan and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side.

*This recipe is small and only makes 6-8 pancakes. Can be easily doubled.


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